
remembered that there was no peace in this, stadium.Wendy
couldn' t. get aver haw the cage just started floating away
with them in it.She thought it was neat because they both
just walked out of the elevator and were instantly carried
away by this monster of a vehicle.Don said it was like rid-
ing the waves at the beach,but it was even better,even though
he didn * t think it was too. greta at the time.
"What was that thing doing there anyway?Anybody could
have just gotten off the elevator and walked right, on that
thing just like we did...It was funny though."That* s what Dan.
told us,trying to make us believe he didn't have a great time
up there.I don't, remember seeing him up ther,but I do re-
member seeing the fire engine roll out ontthe field.I hon-
estly thought he was lying,and so was Wendy,but I didn't
say anything.,at least not to them.Later on,I told Reggie.,
but. he seemd spaced-out at the time,so I don't think he ever
heard me.WhenReggie was spaced out,which was: often,he was un-
reachable .He was probably lying too when he said he went in-
to the press, boxes.That's the stupidest story I've ever heard
him concoct.Once he told us he swallowed his big toenail,but
that it grew right back the next day .It's things like that +b
make me doubt Reggie.I told the truth.Paula and I spent the
entire .time .looking for everyone else,which was difficult
when everyone' s in the press boxes and riding .fire trucks.
William and Linda probably told the truth when they said
they went, looking for everyone else and even paged everyone
over the loudspeaker.I heard the P.A. system call everyone's
najre,but that didn't, prove anything.I didn't believe Wil-
liam' s story .It sounded too honest for him to say that.And
besides that,Linda and him were giving each .other some funny
looks as if to say,'Should we tell them?'I guess I thought
they were, both lying because deep down,I don't really trust
either one of them.I'11 bet they'd be delighted to hear that..^^
William lost my respect when I found him stealing from the
substitute. teacher.He thought he'd be important.I sure did-
n't. think so.I don't know why I don't, trust her„but j sure
- Author
- mark thomas